Showing posts in calendar view based on start of the day
add_shortcode('ts_day_week_start', function($atts){
$atts = shortcode_atts( array(
'day' => 'Monday',
), $atts);
$res = strtotime('last ' . $atts['day']);
if(date('l') == $atts['day']){
$res = strtotime('this ' . $atts['day']);
return $res;
add_shortcode('ts_day_week_end', function($atts){
$atts = shortcode_atts( array(
'day' => 'Monday',
), $atts);
$res = strtotime('last ' . $atts['day']);
if(date('l') == $atts['day']){
$res = strtotime('this ' . $atts['day']);
$res = strtotime("tomorrow", $res) - 1;
return $res;
[wpv-view name="schedule-view" cached="off" tsstart="[ts_day_week_start day='Friday']" tsend="[ts_day_week_end day='Friday']"]
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Showing posts in calendar view based on start of the day Leer más »