Q1) style distance filter
You can use CSS codes to style the distance filter field, for example:
/* here add your custom CSS codes*/
Q2) translate the distance filter
You can change the placeholder text «Show results within… » and «Use my location» text manually by setup the shortcode attributes «inputs_placeholder» and «visitor_location_button_text», for example:
[wpv-control-distance inputs_placeholder="MY OWN Show results within %%DISTANCE%% of %%CENTER%%" visitor_location_button_text="MY OWN Use my location" ...]
Q4) Where can i delete the input fielt of km and mi?
There isn’t such a built-in feature within Toolset maps plugin, but you can hide it with some CSS codes, for example:
Visto en https://toolset.com/forums/topic/style-map-distance-filter/