Toolset views

Showing posts in calendar view based on start of the day

add_shortcode('ts_day_week_start', function($atts){
    $atts = shortcode_atts( array(
        'day' => 'Monday',
    ), $atts);
    $res = strtotime('last ' . $atts['day']);
    if(date('l') == $atts['day']){
        $res = strtotime('this ' . $atts['day']);
    return $res;
add_shortcode('ts_day_week_end', function($atts){
    $atts = shortcode_atts( array(
        'day' => 'Monday',
    ), $atts);
    $res = strtotime('last ' . $atts['day']);
    if(date('l') == $atts['day']){
        $res = strtotime('this ' . $atts['day']);
    $res = strtotime("tomorrow", $res) - 1;
    return $res;
[wpv-view name="schedule-view" cached="off" tsstart="[ts_day_week_start day='Friday']" tsend="[ts_day_week_end day='Friday']"]

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Showing posts in calendar view based on start of the day Leer más »

Toolset: Author frontend filtering with views and ajax

add_shortcode("list-of-authors", "list_of_authors");
function list_of_authors() {
  $out = '<option value="">All</option>';
  $users = get_users();
  foreach ($users as $user) {
    $selection = (isset($_GET['author-filter']) ? $_GET['author-filter']: '');
    $out .= '<option ' . selected($user->ID, $selection, false) . ' value="' . $user->ID . '">' . $user->display_name . '</a>';
  return $out;
<select name="author-filter" class="js-wpv-filter-trigger">[list-of-authors]</select>

Visto en:

Toolset: Author frontend filtering with views and ajax Leer más »

Toolset: Búsquedas personalizadas con checkboxes y relación AND

add_filter( 'wpv_filter_query', 'wpv_atributs_serveis_negocis_wp', 99, 3 );
function wpv_atributs_serveis_negocis_wp( $query_args, $view_settings, $view_id ) {
    if ($view_id == 3900 && isset($_GET['wpv-wpcf-altres-serveis-del-negoci'])) {
        $my_args = array('relation' => 'AND');
        foreach($_GET['wpv-wpcf-altres-serveis-del-negoci'] as $offre){
            $my_args[] = array(
                'key'     => 'wpcf-altres-serveis-del-negoci',
                'value'   => $offre,
                'compare' => 'LIKE',
        $query_args['meta_query'][] = $my_args;
        foreach($query_args['meta_query'] as $k=>$v){
            if(isset($v['key']) && $v['key'] == 'wpcf-altres-serveis-del-negoci'){
    return $query_args;

Nota: wpv-wpcf-altres-serveis-del-negoci es el parámetro URL y wpcf-altres-serveis-del-negoci es el nombre del campo personalizado.

Visto en

Toolset: Búsquedas personalizadas con checkboxes y relación AND Leer más »

Toolset: mostrar el rol de usuario en un bucle de una vista de usuarios

Add the following custom shortcode to your functions.php file:

function get_user_role_func( $atts )
  $a = shortcode_atts( array(
      'userid' => ''
  ), $atts );
  $userdata = get_user_by('ID', $a['userid']);
  $user_roles = $userdata->roles;
  $user_role = array_shift($user_roles);
  return $user_role;
add_shortcode( 'get_user_role', 'get_user_role_func' );

Then in your View, use the shortcode in a conditional like this:

[wpv-conditional if="( '[get_user_role userid='[wpv-user field='ID']']' eq 'editor' )"]
I am Editor
[wpv-conditional if="( '[get_user_role userid='[wpv-user field='ID']']' eq 'administrator' )"]
I am Admin

Register «get_user_role» in Toolset > Settings > Frontend Content > Third party shortcode arguments.

Visto en Toolset

Toolset: mostrar el rol de usuario en un bucle de una vista de usuarios Leer más »

Toolset: Mostrar relevancia de los resultados

add_shortcode( 'show_results_relevance', 'show_results_relevance_func');
function show_results_relevance_func($atts) {
    // get the searched terms for main ingredients
    $searched_recipe_main_ingredient = do_shortcode('[wpv-search-term param="wpv-main-ingredient"]');
        $searched_recipe_main_ingredient_arr = explode(", ", $searched_recipe_main_ingredient);
        // count of searched main ingredients
        $searched_recipe_main_ingredient_count = count($searched_recipe_main_ingredient_arr);
        // get attached main ingredients for current post
        $attached_main_ingredients = do_shortcode("[wpv-post-taxonomy type='main-ingredient' format='name' separator=', ']");
            $attached_main_ingredients_arr = explode(", ", $attached_main_ingredients);
            // count of common ingredients which were searched and are also attached
            $matched_main_ingredients = count(array_intersect($searched_recipe_main_ingredient_arr,$attached_main_ingredients_arr));        
            $matched_main_ingredients = 0;
        $searched_recipe_main_ingredient_count = 0;
        $matched_main_ingredients = 0;
    return ($matched_main_ingredients/$searched_recipe_main_ingredient_count*100);

Visto en Toolset

Toolset: Mostrar relevancia de los resultados Leer más »

View select all in filter and live search

<input type="checkbox" id="selecctall_neighborhood" name="selecctall_neighborhood" value="selecctall_neighborhood" class="js-wpv-filter-trigger" [wpv-conditional if=" ('[wpv-search-term param="selecctall_neighborhood"]' eq 'selecctall_neighborhood') "]checked="checked"[/wpv-conditional] />
jQuery( document ).on( 'js_event_wpv_parametric_search_results_updated', function( event, data ) {
    * data.view_unique_id (string) The View unique ID hash
    * data.layout (object) The jQuery object for the View layout wrapper
    $('#selecctall_neighborhood').click(function(event) {  //on click 
        if(this.checked) { // check select status
            $('#check_neighborhood .js-wpv-filter-trigger').each(function() { //loop through each checkbox
                this.checked = true;  //select all checkboxes with class "checkbox_neighborhood"               
            $('#check_neighborhood .js-wpv-filter-trigger').each(function() { //loop through each checkbox
                this.checked = false; //deselect all checkboxes with class "checkbox_neighborhood"                       

Visto en Toolset

View select all in filter and live search Leer más »

Primera letra de cada custom post type

    <a href="[current_url]">All</a>
    <!-- wpv-loop-start -->
            <a href="?wpvalphabet=[wpv-taxonomy-title]">[wpv-taxonomy-title]</a>
    <!-- wpv-loop-end -->
        <strong>[wpml-string context="wpv-views"]No items found[/wpml-string]</strong>
add_shortcode( 'current_url', function(){
    $request = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].strtok($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"],'?');
    $protocol = 'http://';
    if ( isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ) {
        $protocol = 'https://';
    return $protocol . $request;
} );
[wpv-view name="alphabet-terms"]
<!-- wpv-loop-start -->
    <!-- wpv-loop-end -->
        <strong>[wpml-string context="wpv-views"]No items found[/wpml-string]</strong>
add_filter('wpv_filter_query', 'func_filter_by_title', 10, 2);
function func_filter_by_title($query, $setting) {
global $wpdb;
if($setting['view_id'] == 9999) {
        if(isset($_GET['wpvalphabet']) and $_GET['wpvalphabet']!='' ){
            $first_char = $_GET['wpvalphabet'];
            $postids = $wpdb->get_col($wpdb->prepare("SELECT      ID
                                                        FROM        $wpdb->posts
                                                        WHERE       SUBSTR($wpdb->posts.post_title,1,1) = %s
                                                        AND post_type = '".$query['post_type'][0]."'
                                                        AND post_status = 'publish'
                                                        ORDER BY    $wpdb->posts.post_title",$first_char)); 
                  $query['post__in'] = $postids;

Primera letra de cada custom post type Leer más »

Cambiar entre lista y cuadrícula en una vista de Toolset

Queremos cambiar en una vista de Toolset entre una lista de registros y una cuadrícula de registros.

Primero crearemos 2 páginas, llamadas grid-view y list-view, y en cada una de ellas insertaremos los siguientes enlaces:

<a href="/grid-view/" class="switch">Grid</a> | <a href="/list-view/" class="switch">List</a>

Crearemos 2 vistas iguales e insertaremos el siguienre js en las mísmas:

jQuery( function( $ ) {
  $( 'a.switch' ).click( function() {
    var url = this.href + '?' + window.location.href.split('?')[1];
    window.location.href = url;
    return false;
  } );
} );

Visto en el foro de Toolset

Cambiar entre lista y cuadrícula en una vista de Toolset Leer más »

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