Toolset: Mostrar relevancia de los resultados

add_shortcode( 'show_results_relevance', 'show_results_relevance_func');
function show_results_relevance_func($atts) {
    // get the searched terms for main ingredients
    $searched_recipe_main_ingredient = do_shortcode('[wpv-search-term param="wpv-main-ingredient"]');
        $searched_recipe_main_ingredient_arr = explode(", ", $searched_recipe_main_ingredient);
        // count of searched main ingredients
        $searched_recipe_main_ingredient_count = count($searched_recipe_main_ingredient_arr);
        // get attached main ingredients for current post
        $attached_main_ingredients = do_shortcode("[wpv-post-taxonomy type='main-ingredient' format='name' separator=', ']");
            $attached_main_ingredients_arr = explode(", ", $attached_main_ingredients);
            // count of common ingredients which were searched and are also attached
            $matched_main_ingredients = count(array_intersect($searched_recipe_main_ingredient_arr,$attached_main_ingredients_arr));        
            $matched_main_ingredients = 0;
        $searched_recipe_main_ingredient_count = 0;
        $matched_main_ingredients = 0;
    return ($matched_main_ingredients/$searched_recipe_main_ingredient_count*100);

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